Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Or on $45k..

Yesterday I found out that my position is going to be eliminated as of October 30th. I am not entirely shocked by this. I was expecting it in April, May, June, July.. Well, you get the picture. I am fortunate that it took this long. I will be participating in my 2nd reduction in force on Thursday. The 2nd of my career. The 2nd of 2009.

My supervisors were kind enough to reach out to the head of human resources with one of our sister companies to see if there might be an alternative opportunity for me, and there is. They actually had to get approval for more money to make it more appealing for me, capping it off at $45,000 per year.

I am going to take it. I know that this may be a terrible move for me in the long run career wise, but financially it is the best thing to do. I will keep all the same benefits and retain my tenure. More than I can say for the unfortunate folks this week who are losing their jobs without any options.

I'll have to cut my 401k contributions in half ensuring that I at least contribute enough for the match. Reduce the amount of money that goes towards savings considerably as well as cut extra payments to my credit cards.

The alternative: Receive unemployment and pay my rent from my emergency fund. Wish me luck.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good luck. You are doing the right thing, of course, taking the 45K job.

Will give you time to sort out alternative work in due course while still building wealth.